Monday, February 14, 2011

I am extremely disappointed in Rwandan food.

Mexico has taco stands. Taiwan has teriyaki stands. I thought that every culture had street food. But in Rwanda, it's not culturally acceptable to walk and eat. No one eats in public. There's nothing quick and tasty that they make. There's nothing quick that they make at all. The closest thing there is to street food is the Rwandan foods that every minimart has. They are...

Sambusa – Plain ground beef stuffed into a slightly crispy deep-fried triangle-shaped breading.
Ndazi – Fried bread. Like a bread roll that tastes like a plain donut.
Capati – Fried bread in the shape of a tortilla.

Those are the main items that are indigenous Rwandan foods. We make pretty good meals sometimes, but sometimes we're just too busy so we make these foods. At this point, we've had these foods so much that our tolerance for these foods is extremely small, and we mostly just choose to not eat or to eat very little on those meals. I dip into my beef jerky.

I think it might be hard for everyone back home to identify with what a strong emotional reaction everyone here experiences anytime someone starts reminiscing about a bacon cheese burger...

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