Friday, February 4, 2011

An Overhaul of Updating

I've been kind of bad lately about keeping this blog up to date. That's because a whole lot has happened, and we've been really busy. I haven't even written a newsletter to my house church for the last couple weeks. That's a mistake on my part. I'm working on it now.

So I just put up five major posts (six including this one).

The first one is about the Uganda decision (we're not going to Uganda anymore.).

The second is about Dawn and Pieter's visit.

The third is a hilarious story. White people are very desirable here...

The fourth is about how some of us have grown, including myself.

The fifth gives a sneak-peak into some of the fruit of our ministry.

In other news, our team has been really sick of the feelings of division on the team. And we've decided to start over fresh and try to connect with each other more. So over the last two days, we've watched all three Lord of the Rings movies. Our music classes have ended to we might (hopefully) start a new ministry or two.

Also, I have a lot of videos to upload. They'll get up eventually.

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