Saturday, October 2, 2010

We still haven't officially started yet...

Today we went to the beach. No sun burn. Score. SPF 50 every hour did the trick.

The beach in Hawaii is nothing like the beach in Oregon. It was a completely different experience. It was awesome. Among other things, it was at least as warm as the pool at Oregon State.

We played touch football, guys against girls. We invented ridiculous rules to try to level the playing field (like we could only catch one-handed), and we still crushed them.

If I'm going to go through the dinner line a second time, I need to go right now.

One last parting thought- I have a really hot date tomorrow. I think things might even work out to upgrade it from a phone date to a Skype date.

1 comment:

  1. *like* (except this blog doesn't have "like" buttons, so i actually had to leave a comment -- how old fashioned!)
