Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crazy Halloween

There were 6000 people that came to our Halloween event yesterday. It's put on by a church here called Solid Rock. True story.

The Compassion DTS showed up at 7 AM and worked til 11 AM on setting up Candy Land. There was a guided tour through candy-themed tents that we set up. We also had a row of games (dart throwing, bean bag toss, "fishing" for a candy, etc.). And we had a huge tent covering for serving hot dogs and baked goods. We showed up again at 4. The event started at 5 and went til 8.

I was a greeter and then I helped run the candy fishing game. It was almost non-stop work, except for a few texts and then a few-minute verbal text. I did the entire night in a Scottish accent, which led to a few wonderful conversations."

Christine (college-age church girl): "Where are they from?"
Tracy (older church staff): "They're from YWAM and Scotland."
Christine: "Oh so that's like real! (To me:) I thought you were wearing that kilt a bit freely, like it wasn't your first time."
Me: "Aye."
We talked for a little bit and then she left quickly enough that I never got to clarify that I was just joking.

Me: "Go ahead laddie. It's your turn."
Boy didn't respond, so I turn to the old person on the side.
Me: "What do Americans say for laddie and lassie?"
Oldie: "Well, 'boy' or 'girl' works just fine, except 'boy' is sometimes used for (quieter, with intensity:) 'negros' so I wouldn't use that. It's not Kosher."

Old Person #2: "You know, I have a friend with a condo in.... I want to say North Umbridge, but that's not it. Oh, it's Newcastle."
Me: "Sounds like a good place for a castle."
She "knew" I was Scottish, but she doesn't know Newcastle is actually in England.

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