Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 2

I have my laptop now, which is awesome. I can have Skype dates and spend time on Wikipedia. One of my roommates says I'm on Wikipedia every time he sees me on the computer.

Staff members gave testimonies this week. I am so eternally grateful that I do not have Korean parents. "On top of doing my school work, my parents gave me workbooks in each subject so that I had to do extra." When a Korean American guy said this, all the other Korean Americans started laughing, one of them saying, "That's so Korean!" One of the staff members, a Korean guy, had parents that chose his high school classes and his major in college- Computer Engineering, so that he would become a successful person. After a year of that, he did three years of art, without telling his parents, and then they found out. But before he finished, he decided to do dancing and studied that for 3 years. Before he finished that, he changed to singing. Then he joined YWAM. He's 28 and does not have a degree.

I remember when I was choosing between whether or not to skip two years of math in high school. I choose to do it, and it was a great decision, but I don't think I even consulted my parents about it. It's such a dangerous parenting style, but it totally paid off. I'm very lucky.

I did another Safeway run last night with my roommates. I got fruit for in between meals. I also got French Vanilla creamer for the plain coffee we get during break.

I built my first frame today. We're building a two-story, eight-unit residence. One really nice thing about doing construction is that it makes me appreciate desk jobs more. I would hate to do hard labor for 8 hours a day for a career.

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